Thursday, May 21, 2020

Me and the UPS Man

I can sometimes be slow to accept change.  I'm of the opinion that not everything needs changing. I'm not into being trendy and the older I get the less trendy I want to be.  I only recently got a smart phone.And I didn't have a cellphone or answering machine until I met John and he bought them for me.

I’m not a big fan of the social media sites-- unless someone is posting pictures of one of my granddaughters.  I especially don’t like the internet slang and refuse to use the slang terms like LOL, OMG, or LMAO.

But computer and internet use in general I have always wholeheartedly embraced.  I think the internet is monumentally important in many ways.  

This time of year I’m especially interested in the advantages of internet shopping.  I’ve never been really fond of shopping the way some women are.  A good shopping trip for me was one with friends, where we oohed and aahed and discussed new decorating plans and then went to eat.  I never got much shopping done like that but it was fun.  

When I actually want to buy something on a shopping trip, I need to go alone and spend time looking and thinking and comparing prices.   And what better place to do this type of shopping than the internet.

Now that I live in the boonies where the nearest shopping center is miles away, I do most of my holiday shopping on the internet.  Then the UPS man gets to travel miles to get to my little country lane and bring his big brown truck up the winding driveway to my house in the woods.

I’ll still go to the mall some.  I actually enjoy the hustle and bustle of the crowds during the Christmas season, and Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a trip to the mall to hear ‘Silver Bells’ and ‘The Nutcracker’ playing in the stores—and then go out to eat.

But for actual shopping, I’ll do most of it online.  Me and the UPS man are becoming very familiar.  He’s here several times a week during the Christmas season.

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